Please update your bookmark to the site to: Student Links Bookmark Bookmark the above link on students' computers to simplify getting on the student links and make it more efficient. You can also send the link home for the students to have more time to explore.
Thematic Playlists for Listening Centers or to develop a unit with. Students love these stories. These are great for ESL or to expand background knowledge for poverty at risk students, as well. Picture books are great for close reads (Students go back and look for clues and evidence in the pictures.) and writing prompts. Great for the beginning of the year and setting the tone for a great classroom climate for the year. Bullying Stories Other Story Playlists: St. Patrick's Day StoriesEaster Stories Winter StoriesThere Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a.....Stories Valentine's Stories Tips for Teaching: **You will notice routines in place as you teach. One major shift in teaching has been to have the students talk and explain their thinking. You will see that these lessons were planned to work on student's expressing themselves. Suggested organization and getting started are at the bottom of this page. **The essential question is frequently repeated in the handouts and lessons so that students understand the objectives of the lessons. The objectives and essential questions are very specific to the NGSS. ** Student Page Links- Waiting for the class to type in a link can be quite a hassle. Coming Soon....a page to have the class bookmark, so they can click on the "kid link" as you come to it. You can also give the link to parents. ** For any online games, model on the Smartboard/interactive board for students before letting them explore. **The books that I used in the weather lessons are optional. Any books listed below can be substituted with your favorite classroom library book that covers the same content. **Social Studies concepts addressed by this science curriculum include cities/farms, types of homes, places in the community, community helpers transportation, & wants vs. needs,
Week 10 Supplies: Wax paper (cut into circles the desired size of your sun catchers), bues and greens tissue paper, liquid starch (laundry section of store), newspapers or a piece of butcher paper to work on, hole punch, ribbon or yarn, wide-mouthed jar, heavy-duty aluminum foil (6 x 6 " square), 2-3 ice cubes, 6" x 2 " strip of paper, matches or lighter, salt, 3 jars, 3 stalks of fresh celery, food coloring dye. Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS3.2 Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to severe weather. K.ESS3.3Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment. Essential Question: Why do we need to save our planet? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the "Pollution" fact card. Watch the Video on Earth Day. (Barney/29 min.) (Everyday is Earth Day) Start a class chart. “Problems with Pollution”. Make Project: Earth Sun Catcher. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Review the fact card. Watch Video 1, Video 2, & Video 3. Add to the chart. Do the handout. Do the "Save the Earth" coloring page. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Review the fact card. Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, & Video 6. Add to the chart. Do the coloring page and draw a model of a landfill. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Review the fact card. Watch Video 1 & Video 2. Add to the chart. Do the coloring page and draw a model of air pollution. Class Science Project: Make Smog in a jar. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Review the anchor chart. Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, & Video 4. Add to the chart. Do the coloring page. Class Science project: Water Pollution/The Celery Experiment.
Week 11 **Supplies: Handouts, The Cloud Book by Tomie da Paolo, Hide and Seek Fog by Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvosisin, Four Seasons in a Year by Ann Rockwell, Summer Days and Nights by Wong Herbert Yee; The Fantastic Gifts of Fall by Dandi Mackall; Experiment supplies- Jar, Boiled Water, Matches, Bag of Ice. (Tuesday) Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS3.2 Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to severe weather. K.ESS3.3Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment. Essential Question: How can we help save our planet? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Observe and draw observations regarding the celery experiment. Review the pollution anchor chart. Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, & Video 4. Start a new chart. “Why Earth Needs Our Help”. Do handouts/document ideas/"Save the Earth". Model online game "Recycle". Let the class discover and play. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Observe and draw observations regarding the celery experiment. Read Earth Day story online with the class. (click read now) Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, & video 5. Add to the chart. Do "Save the Earth" handout. Model online game, Michael, Michael Go Recycle. Let the class discover and play. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Observe and draw observations regarding the celery experiment. Review the anchor chart. Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, & Video 4. Add to the chart. Do "Save the Earth Handout". Model online game, Junk Monster. Let the class discover and play. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Observe and draw observations regarding the celery experiment. Review the anchor chart. Watch Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4 & Video 5. Add to the chart. Do "Save the Earth Handout". Model online game, Landfill Bill. Let the class discover and play. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Observe and draw observations regarding the celery experiment. Review the anchor chart. Watch Video 1 & Video 2, . Pass out all of each student's "Save the Earth" prototypes from their handouts. Watch Video 3. Have the students design and decorate a class poster to demonstrate everything they learned.
Week 12 **Supplies: Handouts, plastic bottle with spout, newspaper, brown grocery bags, or plastic, twine or yarn, butcher paper or poster boards, scissors, paint, 2 chairs, broom handle stick or s-foot dowel. Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Students will plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.PS2.1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. Essential Question: What kinds of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? How can we plan an investigation comparing the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch Video 1, Video 2, & Video 3. Start a new chart. Do handout. Model online game "Push or Pull Tic Tac Go". Let the class discover and play. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch Video 1 & video 2. Do online quiz together. Add to the T-Chart. Handouts. Model online game, Push or Pull Matching. Let the class discover and play. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch Video 1. Project: Push and Pull: Pendulum Painting Project. Add to the T-Chart. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Pass out the student data sheets from Wednesdays experiment. Hang up the paintings. Go over and discuss results. Do conclusion handout. Model online game, "Hook the Fish" & "Piggy Push". Let the class discover and play. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Explore and collect data on playground explorations. Discuss results. Create collage to assess learning.
Week 13 **Supplies: Handouts; Supplies: scissors, markers, rubber bands, toothpicks, Styrofoam, wine corks, craft foam, plastic animals, rulers with grooves in the center or a Hot Wheel ramp for each group, a marble for each group, a box of knick-knacks. (to block the track like old blocks, Legos, Styrofoam, pieces of cardboard, etc.) Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Students will analyze data to determine if a design solution works when changing the speed or direction of an object with a push or pull. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.PS2.2 Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull. Essential Questions: What patterns of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? How can you determine if a design solution works when you change the speed or direction of an object with a push or pull? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Plan investigation. (handout) Take students outside to investigate changing the ball direction by hitting with the bat. Keep track of data using the data chart. Discuss what the students noticed about changing directions. Determine the conclusion. Add to the T-chart. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch video 1. Read story. Students will design boats. Students keep track of their design trials. Evaluate design solution. (handouts) Debrief questions. Circle the conclusion. Add anything new to the T-chart. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch video 1 & video 2. Model Sid's Fun with Friction online game. Let the class play and discover. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Watch video 1, video 2, & video 3. Science Project: Marble Run/Changing Directions. Use the making prediction and testing hypothesis handouts. Share, compare, and discuss in groups. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Go over the anchor chart. Go over the cheer. Divide class into teams and play review jeopardy. Do exit ticket.
Week 14 Supplies: Handouts; Small clear plastic cups (one for each student and for the teacher), paper towels, lima beans (one for each student and teacher), water, bowl, spray bottle, soil, Ziploc sandwich bags. ice cube in a Ziploc bag for each student + 1 for a control group., small objects to hide, paper plates, yellow paint, red paint, paint brushes, scissors, glue, yellow/red/orangeconstruction paper, google eyes (optional), sponge brush, red and black markers, triangle templates, and pencils. potting soil, sand, gravel, water, timer, newspaper or brown grocery bags, 4 clear plastic cups, temperature probe thermometer, permanent marker, sun, shoe box, extra cardboard, scissors, marker, tape, the extra lima bean plant. Student Objectives: Students will investigate the effect of sunlight on Earth's surface. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K-PS3-1 Make observations to determinethe effect ofsunlight on Earth’s surface. Essential Questions: What patterns of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? What is the relationship between the sun and Earth? How can we measure that sun warms the Earth? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Play video 1 and video 2. Do the lima bean science experiment. Start the Investigation Journal handout. Model "How Plants Grow" activity. Let students play and discover. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Play video 1. Check the lima beans and do second observation. Do the "Ice Cube Experiment" and students will investigate the playground for warmth. Students will play "Hot and Cold". Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Check the lima beans and do the third observation. Play video 1 & video 2. Make the sun craft. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Check the lima beans and do the fourth observation. Play video 1. Do experiment, The Sun's Effects on the Earth. Collect and graph data. Play hot and cold. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Check the lima beans. Finish investigation with student debrief. Discuss results. Play video 1, video 2, & video 3. Start next science investigation, "Lima Bean in the Box". Do handout.
Week 15 **Supplies: Handouts; Pre-make mats and laminate- 1 per group black, yellow, blue, and white construction paper per mat; 4 Ziploc bags with ice cubes; pencils; 4-5 blue yarn balls; 3 red yarn balls; Freeze Pops each student for 2 days. (some for next week, too) Student Objectives: Students will discover about the relationship of the sun & Earth. Students will learn how colors absorb sunlight at different degrees and rates. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.PS3.2 Use tools and materials to design and build a structure that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight on an area. K-2.ETS1.1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. Essential Question: How can we make shade? How can we design and construct a structure to keep popsicles from melting outside in the sun.. Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Play video 1, video 2, video 3, & video 4. Do the handouts. Model the online heat transfer activity. Let students discover and play. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Do science investigation, Sunlight and Colors. Students will do their investigation handout. Extended Practice: rainbow coloring page. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Do science investigation, Ice, Ice Baby. Students will do their investigation handout. Model online game, Melting Ice. Let students discover and play. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Students will play an outdoor game, Fire and Ice, while their Freeze Pops melt in the sun. You will be setting up a “simple problem” that the students will be solving through the development of a new or improved object or tool. (That will be next week.) Take the students outside to play the game. Put Freeze Pops in the sun and tell them that "it's for later" if they ask. Play the game. (see instructions) Act disappointed that the Freeze Pops melted. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Check on the "Lima Bean in the Box" investigation. Finish the handout that was started last Friday. Students will play an outdoor game, Frozen Tag, while their Freeze Pops melt in the sun. Take the students outside to play the tag game. Put Freeze Pops in the sun. Tell them that "It's for later" if they ask. If they point out that they melted yesterday, find some shade. They will still melt. Act disappointed that the Freeze Pops melted.
Week 16 **Supplies: Handouts; Optional-"Frozen Heart" song to play for game; drawing paper, construction paper (variety of colors), popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, masking tape, Freeze Pops. Student Objectives: Students design an investigation. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.PS3.2 Use tools and materials to design and build a structure that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight on an area. K-2.ETS1.1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. K-2.ETS1.2 Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. K-2.ETS1.3 Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs. Essential Question: How can we make shade? How can we design and construct a structure to keep Freeze Pops from melting outside in the sun. Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the "Shade Experiment" Day 1. Students will plan and investigate a simple problem, "How to Keep My Freeze Pop From Melting". Do pages 1 & 2 of journal. Construct structure with a partner. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the "Shade Experiment" Day 2. Students will test their structures outside in the sun, play game, rank and analyze the "most effective" to "least effective" structure, and do page 3 & 4. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the "Shade Experiment" Day 3. Show video 1 and discuss. Do page 5 and build prototype 2. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the "Shade Experiment" Day 4. Students will test their structures outside in the sun, play game, rank and analyze the "most effective" to the "least effective" structure, and do pages 6 & 7. Send the parent letter, presentation rubric, and feedback form home for homework. Friday- Students will practice presentations with feedback forms. Go over. Do final presentations with presentation rubrics. Go over. Week 17 Supplies: Handouts; drawing paper, construction paper/Variety of colors, Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, masking tape, craft supplies, scissors, markers. Student Objective: Students will design an investigation and carry it out. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K-2.ETS1.1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. K-2.ETS1.2 Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. K-2.ETS1.3 Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs. Essential Question: How can you design an investigation? What kind of island represents me? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Watch first 30 minutes of movie "Inside Out". Discuss. Extended Practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow Teacher Procedural Card. Do "The Island" handout. Watch the next 30 minutes. Do discussion questions. Extended practice: Coloring page. Extended Practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Watch the last part of the movie. Do discussion questions. Extended practice: Coloring page. Extended Practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Pass out Investigation booklets and begin new investigation. Do pages 1 & 2. Begin construction. Extended Practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Send home "talk page" for homework. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Continue construction. Extended Practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover.
Week 18 Supplies: Handouts; drawing paper, construction paper/Variety of colors, Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, masking tape, craft supplies, scissors, markers. Student Objective: Students will design an investigation and carry it out. Students will practice speaking and listening skills and do a presentation. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K-2.ETS1.1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. K-2.ETS1.2 Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. K-2.ETS1.3 Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs. Essential Question: How can you design an investigation? What kind of island represents me? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Test your design. Do pages 3 & 4. If time do extended practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Design and Construct 2nd prototype. Do page 5. Send home a My "Talk" Page. If time do extended practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Finish constructing 2nd prototype. If time do extended practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Test your design. Do pages 6 & 7. Send home feedback form, parent note, and presentation form. If time do extended practice: Inside Out/Online Games. Model, then let students play and discover. Friday- Students will practice presentations with feedback forms. Go over. Do final presentations with presentation rubrics. Go over.
Organize your materials: Print master copy and put into binder. Gather science tub materials and put into a tub. Tape the "Science Tub" label on the top or side. Functional options for you to choose from: *Pull the Student Fact Cards, Teacher Procedural Cards, craft activities, or games and laminate. Put in Ziploc Bags, Label, and put in science tub or other convenient place. or *Punch holes and keep the master in a binder. (Take out the binder cover and tub label before putting in the holes.) You will still be able to access the master copy (without holes) as long as you have the download. Use the Binder Cover for this. You may opt to put a divider and put all of the student handout pages together in the back for easy copying.