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Thematic Playlists for Listening Centers or to develop a unit with. Students love these stories. These are great for ESL or to expand background knowledge for poverty at risk students, as well. Picture books are great for close reads (Students go back and look for clues and evidence in the pictures.) and writing prompts. Great for the beginning of the year and setting the tone for a great classroom climate for the year. Bullying Stories Other Story Playlists: St. Patrick's Day StoriesEaster Stories Winter StoriesThere Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a.....Stories Valentine's Stories Tips for Teaching: **You will notice routines in place as you teach. One major shift in teaching has been to have the students talk and explain their thinking. You will see that these lessons were planned to work on student's expressing themselves. Suggested organization and getting started are at the bottom of this page. **The essential question is frequently repeated in the handouts and lessons so that students understand the objectives of the lessons. The objectives and essential questions are very specific to the NGSS. ** Student Page Links- Waiting for the class to type in a link can be quite a hassle. Coming Soon....a page to have the class bookmark, so they can click on the "kid link" as you come to it. You can also give the link to parents. ** For any online games, model on the Smartboard/interactive board for students before letting them explore. **The books that I used in the weather lessons are optional. Any books listed below can be substituted with your favorite classroom library book that covers the same content. **Social Studies concepts addressed by this science curriculum include cities/farms, types of homes, places in the community, community helpers transportation, & wants vs. needs,
Week 1 Supplies: Handouts, chart paper/marker (or use your smartboard/interactive board) Llama Llama Sand and Sun by Anna Dewdney, Thundercake by Patricia Polacco, Curious George in the Snow by H.A. Rey and Margaret Rey, The Windy Day by Brian Karas, weather journals. (in handouts) Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS3.2 Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to severe weather. K-2.ETS1.1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. Essential Question: What kinds of weather do we have in our community? How do you decide what to wear? How can you read a thermometer? Monday- Give Hot or Cold pre-test. Optional. Play "How's the weather" video. Make a class chart. Write title-"What is weather?" Ask for ideas from the video or from their own experiences. Only allow 5 minutes for this. Tell class we will watch another song and try to think of more ideas that we haven't shared yet. Play "Weather Song". Finish brainstorming. do pages 1 & 2 of weather booklet handout. Play "The Thermometer Song" and discuss. Start the weather bear and weather journals. (with the handouts) Model then have students play the online dressing up for weather game. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Play another "Weather Song". Ask what students remember about weather. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Oh, Mr. Sun". Let students guess. Read Llama, Llama Sand and Sun. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Pass out Student Weather Booklets, (in handouts) Do pages 3 & 4. If time, students can explore online Llama Llama games. Demonstrate on smartboard/interactive board. Fun sun video. Model, then let students play "sun attack" (sight word game) Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Ask what students remember about weather. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Rain Rain Go Away". Let students guess. Read Thundercakes. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Pass out Student Weather Booklets, (in handouts) Do pages 5 & 6. Model, then let students play "The Rain Game" Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Ask what students remember about weather. Make a chart and talk tell the class that weather is made up of 3 things. Weather is made from the heat from the sun, air, and water. Tell the class that they are going to watch a video where a character named Ralphie fantasizes about being a superhero that controls the weather. He gets to live out his daydream when the class rides the Magic School Bus into the clouds and he gets to make wind, an updraft, clouds, and rain. Play Magic School Bus Kicks up A Storm for the class. (26 minutes) After the video, go around the room and ask each student what they noticed in the video or what they wonder about with weather. If there's time, the students can play "The Rain Game" Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Ask what students remember about weather. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Spot's Windy Day". Let students guess. Read The Windy Day. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Pass out Student Weather Booklets, (in handouts) Do pages 7 & 8. Model, then let students students play The Wind Race. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Ask what students remember about weather. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Little Snowflake". Let students guess. Read Curious George in the Snow. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Pass out Student Weather Booklets, (in handouts) Do pages 9 & 10. Model, then let students play snowflake game.
Week 2 Supplies: Handouts, The Cloud Book by Tomie da Paolo, Hide and Seek Fog by Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvosisin, Four Seasons in a Year by Ann Rockwell, Summer Days and Nights by Wong Herbert Yee; The Fantastic Gifts of Fall by Dandi Mackall; Student Objective(s): Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Essential Question: How does the weather change? How do you choose weather appropriate clothes? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Play “Weather Song". Ask what students remember about weather. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Song About Clouds". Let students guess. Read The Cloud Book. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Pass out Student Weather Booklets, (in handouts) Watch video clips about clouds. Clip 1 and Clip 2. Do pages 11, 12, & 13. Model and let class play "cloud alphabet" game. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class that you are going to play another video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "The Foggy Foggy Forest". Let students guess. Read Hide and Seek Fog. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Model and let class play "monster in the fog" game". Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class that you are going to play two video clips and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today... Clip 1 and Clip 2. Let students guess. Read Four Seasons Make a Year by Anne Rockwell. Discuss story and make an anchor chart with class of the four seasons. Option: Do ELA lesson. Give students the seasons handout and do pages 1 & 2. Model and let class play "Weather surprise"., "Seasons", &/or "Sticks and Seasons" Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class that you are going to play two video clips and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today... Play "in the Good Ol Summertime". Let students guess. Read Summer Days and Nights. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Give students the summer lowercase letter handout. Model and let class play summer online games. Model some or let them help each other. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class that you are going to play two video clips and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today... Play "Falling Leaves". Let students guess. Read The Fantastic Gifts of Fall. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Give students the fall coloring by number handout. Model and let class play autumn online games.
Week 3 **Supplies: Handouts, When Winter Comes by Nancy Van Laan; Spring is Here! by Will Hillenbrand; pink/green/orange/white tissue paper and glue. Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Essential Question: What kinds of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? Lead students to determine that the seasons help us predict the weather so that we can choose weather appropriate clothes. *optional: for fun and quirkiness----- For the lesson, you can wear clothes that doesn't match the weather to overly dramatize how physically uncomfortable you are. (Wed.-Fri.) Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Tell class that you are going to play a video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Winter Song". Let students guess. Read When Winter Comes. Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Give students the winter uppercase letter handout. Model and let class play winter online games. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class that you are going to play a video clip and you want each person to have a guess ready about what we will learn about today. Play "Spring Song". Let students guess. Read Spring is Here! Discuss and/or do ELA lesson. Give students the spring missing number handout. Model and let class play spring online games. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journals. Review simple problem. "How did you decide how to choose weather appropriate clothes?". Class discussion: 1. How did you decide what to wear today? 2. Can you predict the weather tomorrow? 3. Talk to a partner. Tell them what you plan to wear tomorrow and why. 4. Explain to your partner "why" you are going to wear that outfit. 5. Ask if anyone made their choice based on the weather for the season. Pass out the season/tree handout. Students will match the color of tissue paper with the correct season, creating a 3D anchor chart. Debrief: Discuss the pattern of seasons. Students will stand in front of the class in a line of 5-6 students at a time. They will hold their pictures and present the pattern in their pictures. (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) (Go down the line and each student says their pattern. Let students discover that seasons form a pattern. Ask "What patterns do you notice?" Thursday-Do weather bear and weather journals. Review simple problem. "How did you decide how to choose weather appropriate clothes?" Play interactive video. Be prepared to pause video for the class to decide "What should Freddy wear?" (short) Play Disney season video. (long...can do just 10-15 minutes.) Pause and ask questions during the video. Sample questions: What is the season? How can you tell that it is fall/winter/spring/summer? What kind of clothes would you wear? What are the characters doing this season? Why? Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Review simple problem. "How did you decide how to choose your clothes today?" Discuss how pattern of seasons help people solve the problem (of being weather prepared) and prepare for weather changes. Review and/or assessment. Select pop quiz & start. Assess or review, then assess at a later time. Ask if anyone has ever seen a weather person on the news. Ask what they noticed about them. Give "Hot or Cold" Post-test.
Week 4 **Supplies: Handouts; The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy by Jane Thayer; paper and crayons; Student Objectives: Students will use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Students will discover how to prepare for severe weather. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.LS1.1 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive. Essential Questions: What patterns of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? What do animals need to survive? What do plants need to survive? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell class to turn to a partner to discuss if you (person) are a plant or animal and why. (give about a minute to discuss, then ask if anyone wants to share what they said) Play video "You are a Human Animal". Ask the class what they noticed about the video. Play Video "The Needs of an Animal". Ask the students what they noticed in the video. Read the story The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy. Ask what 1) the puppy wanted; 2) what the puppy needed; 3) what season it was. Discuss that what people want might be different than what we need. Make a class chart together of things we want vs. things we need. (T-chart) Do handout "Animals Need 4 Things". handout. Model and let students play Needs and Want Search and Spot. (clothes is considered a need in this game.) Tuesday-Do weather bear and weather journals. Review things that animals need vs. want. Tell the class that there are so many things that people want. Watch the Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies. (Stop at 12:31) Ask if the cubs asked for things that they "needed" or "wanted". What were some of the things that the cubs "wanted"? (rings, stickers, marshmallow chocolate bears, glow in the dark flyers, bouncy apple, and cat toy) Watch video about saving money. Why do people not just buy any thing that they want? (They should save it for things that they "need".) Tell class that we are going to share what we need and want as human animals. We are going to draw a picture of something that we need. Then we are going to present what we need and what we want. Let's watch a video of another kindergarten class, so that you can see what we are going to do and to get ideas. Video. Allow students time to create a portrait of what they "need" and think of something that they want. Presentations to the class to practice speaking and listening skills. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell the students to turn to their partners and tell each other 1) what a "need" is and 2) an example. Then have them turn to a different partner to talk about what a "want" is and give an example. Tell the class to find the parts of the plant in the videos. Show "The Parts of a Plant" and "The Plant Song". Ask the class what the parts of the plant were. Do the plant labeling diagram. Let the class explore the diagramming game. You can let them use their diagrams the first time. The second time collect the diagrams and have them try it on their own. Another variation is to have them race against another student to see who can label it correctly first. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell the students to turn to a partner and see if they can come up with the four parts of a plant between the two of them. Watch plant video on plant's needs. Play game together and do quiz together (click the "quiz" button from the game) on your projector board. Hang up or project the sample labeled picture of what plants need and discuss. (In handout) Sample discussion starters: What do you notice about the picture? What else? What else? (These are higher thinking level questions.) Try to shape the class discussions into saying that it is 1) what plants need and 2) it is labeled. Have the class work in teams to create labeled pictures of what plants need. This allows them to share ideas and practice cooperation skills. Give them a few minutes to share ideas and make a plan before giving out the paper. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell the students to turn to a partner tell them to tell their partner something that a plant needs. Then, ask the class what the five things that plants need are. Have the class do the handout for what a plant needs. Divide the class into teams. (Teams of 2-4) Play the Jeopardy Review Game on your smartboard/interactiveboard/projectorboard. (If a student gets a question correct, they get to go again until they miss. Keep score. Have the team(s) that don't win congratulate the winners to promote good sportsmanship. If time, class can play plant games.
Week 5 Supplies: Handouts; Bingo Cards (from handouts), Bingo chips Student Objectives: Students will apply what the learned about animals needs to solve simple problems. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.LS1.1 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive. Essential Questions: What patterns of weather do we have in our community? How do you read a thermometer? How do you take care of your need for food? Why is it important to take care of an animal's basic needs if you had a pet? Monday- Send home parent note. (included) Do weather bear and weather journals. Tell the class that you are going to play a short video and you want them to guess what we are going to learn about today. Play Cookie Monster Video "Healthy Foods". Let the students guess. Explain that last week we learned about how 1. We are an animal. 2) Animals need food. But, that it is important to choose foods that are healthy for our bodies for us to grow and learn right. Go over the food pyramid chart with the class. Play short video. Watch Sid the Science Kid Food Groups Fab Lab. Pass out the "Healthy Foods" handout. Have the students color as you discuss and name the foods. They can work with a partner to help each other identify unfamiliar foods. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Watch Berenstain Bears Too Much Junk Food. Discuss how junk food made them feel. Play BINGO. (Foods) Explain different ways to get four in a row. (You don't call out the letters on this game.) Play online game to practice building a healthy meal. Wednesday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Explain that as they get older, they will have more and more choices to make about what to eat. They are going to have to learn to make good decisions about what to eat. Tell them that you are going to watch an Arthur video. (over at 12:36) Tell them to think about all the reasons or evidence that the characters had to consider before making the choice to eat the candy bars. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Talk about how meeting the needs of a pet is a big responsibility. Play Berenstain Bears: The Trouble with Pets part 1 and part 2. (@11 minutes) Discuss some of the problems that came up with their pet. Start class presentations. If time let students explore online pet care games. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journals. Review that pets have needs and that if you have a pet you have to be prepared to meet those basic needs for animals to survive. Ask, what if you had a dog and doesn't get food? What would happen? What would happen if you had a dog and it didn't get water? What would happen if you had a dog and it was below freezing and he was outside? What would happen if your dog wasn't being watch and he got trapped in something that didn't have air? Finish class presentations. If time, give them more exploration time to make connections. Pet care games.
Week 6 **Supplies: Handouts; paper plate; brown paint; paint brush; scissors; glue,; template; large wooden popsicle sticks or paint sticks; duct tape' toilet paper roll, crayons. Hummingbird template download by clicking this. Student Objectives: Students will be able to describe how plants and animals can change their environment to meet their needs. Students will be able to create a model to represent the relationship between the needs of plants/animals and their environment. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS2.2 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs. K.ESS3.1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live. Essential Question: How do plants and animals change their environment to meet their needs? What evidence is there of this? How do you represent the relationship between the needs of an animal and where they live? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over Rabbit Fact Card and post or make available for the students. (bulletin board, basket, etc.) Follow the Teacher Procedural Card (From handouts) The video clips: video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4. Do the handouts. Make a T-Chart. ("Animal/Plant/Insect" on one side and "How they change the Environment" on the other side.) Extended Practice: Model the online game by playing together, then let students play Predator/PreyMatching Game and/or activity game. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the beaver fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1 & video 2; Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Make Beaver Mask Craft (handout). Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the chipmunk fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1, video 2, and video 3. Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Alvin & the Chipmunk Puzzle. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the deer fact chart. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1, video 2 & video 3; Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Fade help to promote students to become more independent. Extended Practice Bambi Game. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the hummingbird fact chart. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1 & video 2; Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice- make hummingbird craft. Hummingbird Template
Week 7 **Supplies: Handouts; Honeycomb cereal; glue, bumble bee stickers (optional) Student Objectives: Students will be able to describe how plants and animals can change their environment to meet their needs. Students will be able to create a model to represent the relationship between the needs of plants/animals and their environment. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS2.2 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs. K.ESS3.1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live. Essential Question: How do plants and animals change their environment to meet their needs? What evidence is there of this? How do you represent the relationship between the needs of an animals and plants and where they live? Monday- Send parent letter and presentation rubric home. Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the bee fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card The video clips: video 1, video 2, video 3,video clip 4. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Beehive Craft Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the ants fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1, video 2, video 3, & video 4; Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Heroic Ant Game. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the Oak Tree fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1, video 2, video 3, and video 4. Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Model Lorax online game. Let students explore and play. (Go to: click on the “games” drawer. Click “forth” until you get to the “Lorax Quest”. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the dandelion fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video clips video 1, video 2, video 3. Add to the t-chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Model "Let Me Grow" Flower game. (click on walls to water); let students discover and play. Friday- Review the t-chart; Do presentations; Extended Practice if time- Any game that they've explored this unit.
Week 8 Supplies: Paper plates, cotton balls, black construction paper, glue, wiggly eyes (optional), ribbon, scissors, construction paper, pre-cut large piece of black or blue butcher paper for class project. Student Objective(s): Students will be able to describe how people can change their environment to meet their needs. Students will be able to create a model to represent the relationship between the needs of humans and their environment. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS2.2 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how humans can change the environment to meet their needs. K.ESS3.1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of humans and the places they live. Essential Question: How do people change their environment to meet their needs? What evidence is there of this? How do you represent the relationship between the needs of humans and where they live? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the human fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card The video clips: video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4. Start a list of how humans change the environment to meet their needs. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Model Baby Hazel Grows Tomato Online Game. Let students discover and play. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow Teacher Procedural Card. Go over "Livestock: Popular Farm Animals" fact card. Show video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4, video 5, video 6; Add to chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Do the sheep craft project from the handouts. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural anchor chart. Go over the "Agriculture: Popular Farm Crops" fact card. Show video 1, video 2, video 3, and video 4. Add to chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Sheep Craft Project. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the "Cities" fact card. Show video 1, video 2, video 3. Add to the chart. Do the handout. Extended Practice: City Project. Friday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the "Homes" fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Show video 1 & video 2; Add to the chart. Do the handout. Extended Practice- Model Bob the Builder-Design a House. Let students discover and play.
Week 9 Supplies: Pre-make: Brown construction paper (laminated optional-to save for future years) cut into strips (lengthwise) to lay across and make tracks; 15-20 white butcher paper strips (about 5 feet each) with parallel lines of black tape; black tape to make parallel lines. Student Objective(s): Students will be able to describe how humans can change their environment to meet their needs. Students will be able to create a model to represent the relationship between the needs of humans and their environment. Standard(s): K.E.SS2.1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K.ESS2.2 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how humans can change the environment to meet their needs. K.ESS3.1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of humans and the places they live. Essential Question: How do people change their environment to meet their needs? What evidence is there of this? How do you represent the relationship between the needs of humans and where they live? Monday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Go over the "Business" fact card. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card The video clips: video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4. Add to the chart. Do the handout. Extended Practice: Model Happy Builder Online Game. Let students discover and play. Tuesday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow Teacher Procedural Card. Go over "Services" fact card. Show video 1, video 2, & video 3. Add to chart. Do the handout. Extended Practice: Model Moby's Match. Let students discover and play. Wednesday-Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the "Transportation" fact card. Show video clips video 1, video 2, video 3, and video 4. Add to chart. Do the handouts. Extended Practice: Classroom Project- Build railroad tracks across the classroom. Thursday- Do weather bear and weather journal. Follow the Teacher Procedural Card. Go over the "Entertainment" fact card. Show video 1. Add to the chart. Do the handout. Extended Practice: Spring City Fixham Paint Shop. Friday- Assessment: Exit Ticket. Students will color and circle 3 objects that illustrate ways that humans have changed the environment to meet their needs or wants.
Organize your materials: Print master copy and put into binder. Gather science tub materials and put into a tub. Tape the "Science Tub" label on the top or side. Functional options for you to choose from: *Pull the Student Fact Cards, Teacher Procedural Cards, craft activities, or games and laminate. Put in Ziploc Bags, Label, and put in science tub or other convenient place. or *Punch holes and keep the master in a binder. (Take out the binder cover and tub label before putting in the holes.) You will still be able to access the master copy (without holes) as long as you have the download. Use the Binder Cover for this. You may opt to put a divider and put all of the student handout pages together in the back for easy copying.